This is a course based on the Project format of a Masters Degree in the Informatics and Engineering Graduate School. The aim of this course is that graduates from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Hanyang University (HYU) and University Electro Communication (UEC), can jointly tackle practical approaches to internationalism based on the given project theme.

New !!

Final Competition in UEC
First Class in BUPT

Guidelines for Applicants

This is a one-year course that will open for inscription in April to start in August. The Guidelines for the applicants have been published in both English and Japanese.

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PBL Records

The results of the 2013 project with the theme Wireless, DSP and Security are given below. Please see the results obtained for BUPT in September, and for UEC in December.

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Voice from Students

You can see the voice from students who have taken the ICT PBL class in 2013.

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Past PBL

PBL2012,  PBL2011,  PBL2010,  PBL2009