2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
李陽特任助教が2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroadを受賞しました.

This award was founded by the Chinese government in 2003 with the purpose of rewarding the academic excellence of self-financed Chinese students studying overseas. Only those with outstanding performance in their PhD studies will be considered by the award selection panel and no more than 500 young talents will be granted the award each year all over the world.
部門1:Global Success Rate stable above 80%
Yang Li, Daisuke Nakatsu, Kazuo Sakiyama (University of Electro-Communications, Japan): 2,256
Annelie Heuser, Michael Kasper, Werner Schindler, Marc Stottinger (CASED (research group CASCADE);
TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer SIT, Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)), Stochastic attack (stochastic approach): 3,589 (+ 1 other attack)
Matthieu WALLE (Thales Communications), attack 7T: 7,061 (+ his 3 other attacks)
部門2:Partial Success Rate stable above 80%
Yang Li, Daisuke Nakatsu, Kazuo Sakiyama (University of Electro-Communications, Japan): 2,155
Annelie Heuser, Michael Kasper, Werner Schindler, Marc Stottinger (CASED (research group CASCADE);
TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer SIT, Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)), Stochastic attack (stochastic approach): 2,748 (+1 other attack)
Matthieu WALLE (Thales Communications), attack 9T: 5,890 (+ his 3 other attacks)
部門3:Partial Guessing Entropy stable above 80%
Annelie Heuser, Michael Kasper, Werner Schindler, Marc Stottinger (CASED (research group CASCADE);
TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer SIT, Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)), Stochastic attack (stochastic approach): 1,356 (+1 other attack)
Mael BERTHIER & Yves BOCKTAELS (MORPHO), attack CPA AP SBOX: 2,767 (+ 1 of their other attacks)
Yang Li, Daisuke Nakatsu, Kazuo Sakiyama (University of Electro-Communications, Japan): 3,181
参考:DPA contest v2: hall of fame
DPAコンテストはフランスのフランス国立高等情報通信学校(Telecom Paris Tech)の研究チームが主催しており,世界中の企業や大学の研究者が有するサイドチャネル解析攻撃の技術を,統一された環境下で競うものである.